It is said that a picture speaks a thousand words. On behalf of Veterans of Foreign Wars Water-Oak Post 5157 we are truly grateful for all who volunteer their time and contribute to our Post and Veteran causes.


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Cmdr. Rick Noble presenting a Flag that was flown over the U.S. Capitol to Chief John Gavallas of the Watertown Police Department. Post Honor Guard, Veterans Day Ceremony, Watertown, November 2021. Cmdr. Rick Noble, Veterans Day Ceremony, Watertown, November 2021. Commander Rick Noble and Aux. President Sue Dubay, selling buddy poppies at the Wtwn Meat Center, November 2021. Commander Rick Noble and Auxiliary handing out candy at the Halloween Curbside Crawl at Watertown High School, October 2021. Commander Rick Noble and Sr.Vice Cmdr. Rob Parenteau representing our Post at the State Commander's, Dominick Cortese, Testimonial Dinner, October 2021. Cmdr. Rick Noble, Aux. Pres. Sue Dubay and SVC. Liz Noble, Veteran Outreach, Wtwn Fall Festival, September 2021. Aux. President Sue Dubay and Aux. Sr. Vice Liz Noble, selling buddy poppies at the Wtwn Meat Center, November 2021. Post Honor Guard at the Wtwn Fire Department's Honor and Remembrance Ceremony, September 2021. Cmdr. Rick Noble and Post Honor Guard at the Wtwn Fire Department's Honor and Remembrance Ceremony, September 2021. Cmdr. Rick Noble accepting our 75 year Diamond Jubilee Award at the VFW Department Convention 100th Annual Awards Breakfast, June 2021. Our Awards from the VFW Department Convention 100th Annual Awards Breakfast, June 2021. Certificate of Recognition from the VFW Department Convention 100th Annual Awards Breakfast, June 2021. Post Honor Guard getting ready for the Wtwn Memorial Parade, May 2021. Auxiliary, Memorial Day Parade, May 2021. Cmdr. Rick Noble and Trustee Paul Garceau riding in style, Memorial Day Parade, May 2021. Post Honor Guard, Memorial Day, May 2021. Auxiliary, Memorial Day, May 2021. Vietnam Veterans Day, Oakville, March 2021. Cmdr. Rick Noble and Sr. Vice Cmdr. Rob Parenteau, Vietnam Veterans Day, March 2021. Our Auxiliary sent out Thank You cards to our Post's Vietnam Veterans for Vietnam Veterans Day, March 2021. Wreaths, Memorial Day 2021 Past members, Dick Dunston and Jim Byrnes, Our Post donated a Scott Air-Pack to Watertown Fire Department. Past member Harry White Jr., participating in a POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony at Library Park, Wtby. Post Honor Guard, Pic-01, 2000s. Post Honor Guard, Pic-02, 2000s. Post Honor Guard, Pic-03, 2000s. Post Honor Guard, Pic-04, 2000s. Post Honor Guard, Pic-05, 2000s. Kentucky Derby Hats. Our Post Annual Christmas Party, Pic-01, 2021. Our Post Annual Halloween Party, Pic-01, 2021. VFW vs. American Legion Annual Pool Tournament, Pic-01, 2021. VFW vs. American Legion Annual Pool Tournament, Pic-02, 2021. VA Hospital Donations Collection, Pic-01, 2021. VA Hospital Donations Collection, Pic-02, 2021. Past member Pete Barna with Al White. Commander Rick Noble and DJ Don, Post Karaoke Night, 2021. Member Paul Garceau laying a wreath, 2021. Past member John Booth, Bob Neuman, and Norm Cote. Cmdr. Rick Noble and Aux. Sue Dubay, Wtwn 911 Ceremony, 2020. Cmdr. Rick Noble, Flag Day, 2020. Aux. Rick Staff, Flag Day, 2020. Aux. Rob LeDuc, VA Hospital Donation (ipads, phone cards, hand sanitizer), April 2020. Celebrating Birthdays, Pic-01, Dec 2019. Celebrating Birthdays, Pic-01, Dec 2018. Member Frank Trosky, VFW Dept. Service Officer Training, Dec 2018. Aux. Sue Dubay, Buddy Poppy Contest Winner, 2019. VA Hospital Donations, April 2019. Post Voice of Democracy/Patriots Pen Award Ceremony, Pic-01, Dec 2018. Post Voice of Democracy/Patriots Pen Award Ceremony, Pic-02, Dec 2018. Post Voice of Democracy/Patriots Pen Award Ceremony, Pic-03, Dec 2018. Post Voice of Democracy/Patriots Pen Award Ceremony, Pic-04, Dec 2018. Post Voice of Democracy/Patriots Pen Award Ceremony, Pic-05, Dec 2018. Aux. Sue Labeck, K-9 Veterans Day, Pic-01, 2021. Our Aux. sent out cards for K-9 Veterans Day, Pic-02, 2021. The Spot, 2020. Post Monument Honoring Past and Present Members. Post Community Garden, Pic-01, 2021. Post Community Garden, Pic-02, 2021. Our new Post Memorial for Past Members, 2021. Our Post Special Forces, Rob Leduc, We appreciate what you do 2020. St. Patrick's Day, Pic-01, 2020. St. Patrick's Day, Pic-02, 2020. Post Family Picnic, Joe McAvoy, Pic-01, 2019. Post Family Picnic, Pic-02, 2019. Post Family Picnic, Pic-03, 2019. Post Family Picnic, Pic-04, 2019. Post Family Picnic, Pic-05, 2019. District meeting, Oakville Post, May 2019. Post Island Night BBQ & Pig Roast, Pic-01, Sept 2019. Post Island Night BBQ & Pig Roast, Limbo Contest, Pic-02, Sept 2019. Americanism at it's finest, Billy Wills, Custom Made Flag Donation to the Post, Sept 2019. Valentines Day Dinner, Pic-01, Feb 2019. Valentines Day Dinner, Pic-02, Feb 2019. Valentines Day Dinner, Pic-03, Feb 2019. Valentines Day Dinner, Pic-04, Feb 2019. Valentines Day Dinner, Pic-05, Feb 2019. Valentines Day Dinner, Pic-06, Feb 2019. Liz Noble, Buddy Poppies, Pic-01, July 2018. Rick and Liz Noble, Buddy Poppies, Pic-02, July 2018. Reserved Parking for Combat Wounded. Pearl Harbor Day, Dec 2017. Pearl Harbor Day, Dec 2017. Winners, Chilly Cookoff Contest, April 2017. Lowering our Post Flag today to honor the loss of
Sonar Technician 3rd Class Ngoc T Truong Huynh, 25, from Oakville, June 2017. Our Post Flag Drop Off Box. Kids Christmas Party, Pic-01, Dec 2012. Kids Christmas Party, Pic-02, Dec 2012. Kids Christmas Party, Horse Carriage Rides, Pic-03, Dec 2012. Post Honor Guard, Veterans Day, Nov 2014. Member Paul Garceau, Memorial Day Parade, May 2015. Aux. Rick Staff, Wreaths Across America, Dec 2017. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-01, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-02, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-03, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-04, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Jay Umbro, Pic-05, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-06, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-07, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, CT Governors Horse Guard, Pic-07, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-09, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-10, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Oakville Post 7330 Honor Guard, Pic-11, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-12, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Rob Leduc, Pic-13, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-14, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-15, Sept 2018. POW/MIA Dinner, Pic-16, Sept 2018. Nicola Gugliotti, Patriots Pen, Post, District, State 1st Place Winner, Dec 2021. Cmdr. Rick Noble, Aux. President Susan Dubay, and Aux. Sr. Vice Liz Noble met with our Post’s State Patriot’s Pen 1st place winner Nicola Gugliotti Jr. and his dad and presented him a $100 check for winning 1st place at our Post. Picture of Cmdr. Rick Noble kicking off a fundraising campaign to raise money for the State Commander’s and State Auxiliary President’s VFW Wellness Campaign for awareness, support, and intervention for Veterans, Jan 2022. Donation box for the fundraising campaign to raise money for the State Commander’s and State Auxiliary President’s VFW Wellness Campaign for awareness, support, and intervention for Veterans, Jan 2022. Pool League Tournament, 5157 vs. Thomaston American Legion, pic-01, 2022. Pool League Tournament, 5157 vs. Thomaston American Legion, Nicky and John G. 1st Place, pic-02, 2022. Probate Seminar 2022 with Dom Calabrese.